Uses of Class

Packages that use Severity
net.sf.clirr.core Clirr throws events when it finds api changes. 
net.sf.clirr.core.internal The framework that is used by the individual checks in the checks package. 

Uses of Severity in net.sf.clirr.core

Fields in net.sf.clirr.core declared as Severity
static Severity Severity.ERROR
          marks an api difference that is binary incompatible.
static Severity Severity.INFO
          marks an api difference that is binary compatible.
static Severity Severity.WARNING
          marks an api difference that might be binary incompatible.

Methods in net.sf.clirr.core that return Severity
 Severity ApiDifference.getBinaryCompatibilitySeverity()
          The Severity of the API difference in terms of binary compatibility.
 Severity ApiDifference.getMaximumSeverity()
          Return the maximum of the binary and source compatibility severities.
 Severity ApiDifference.getSourceCompatibilitySeverity()
          The Severity of the API difference in terms of source compatibility.

Constructors in net.sf.clirr.core with parameters of type Severity
ApiDifference(Message message, Severity binarySeverity, Severity sourceSeverity, java.lang.String clazz, java.lang.String method, java.lang.String field, java.lang.String[] args)
          Create a new API difference representation.
ApiDifference(Message message, Severity severity, java.lang.String clazz, java.lang.String method, java.lang.String field, java.lang.String[] args)
          Invokes the two-severity-level version of this constructor.

Uses of Severity in net.sf.clirr.core.internal

Methods in net.sf.clirr.core.internal that return Severity
protected  Severity AbstractDiffReporter.getSeverity(JavaType clazz, Field field, Severity sev)
          Determine whether the severity of the problem should be reduced to INFO because: the specified field is package or private accessibility, or the specified field is in a package or private class.
protected  Severity AbstractDiffReporter.getSeverity(JavaType clazz, Method method, Severity sev)
          Determine whether the severity of the problem should be reduced to INFO because: the specified method is package or private accessibility, or the specified method is in a package or private class.
protected  Severity AbstractDiffReporter.getSeverity(JavaType clazz, Severity sev)
          Determine whether the severity of the problem should be reduced to INFO because the specified class is package or private accessibility.

Methods in net.sf.clirr.core.internal with parameters of type Severity
protected  Severity AbstractDiffReporter.getSeverity(JavaType clazz, Field field, Severity sev)
          Determine whether the severity of the problem should be reduced to INFO because: the specified field is package or private accessibility, or the specified field is in a package or private class.
protected  Severity AbstractDiffReporter.getSeverity(JavaType clazz, Method method, Severity sev)
          Determine whether the severity of the problem should be reduced to INFO because: the specified method is package or private accessibility, or the specified method is in a package or private class.
protected  Severity AbstractDiffReporter.getSeverity(JavaType clazz, Severity sev)
          Determine whether the severity of the problem should be reduced to INFO because the specified class is package or private accessibility.
protected  void AbstractDiffReporter.log(Message msg, Severity severity, java.lang.String clazz, Method method, Field field, java.lang.String[] args)

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