Running Clirr as an Ant Task

The clirr-core module contains an Ant task. The following text assumes that you are familiar with Ant. To run clirr, you typically

  • compile the current version of the library you want to check, resulting in one or more jar file
  • tell ant about the clirr ant task
  • download the compatibility baseline release of your software from a central location via http (if it is not available in your local filesystem already)
  • run the clirr task

To do this you will need an ant snippet similar to the following:

<target name="checkbinarycompatibility" depends="build">

  <!-- buildtools.classpath should either contain
        clirr-core-uber.jar or alternatively
        clirr-core.jar and the libraries it depends on -->




        <origfiles dir="build/tmp" includes="${jar.baseline}"/>
        <newfiles dir="build/lib" includes="${jar.buildresult}"/>

        <!-- <formatter type="xml" outfile="build/clirr.xml" /> -->
        <!-- TODO: example for 3rd party classpath -->



failOnBinWarningWhether task execution should fail (break the build) on warnings about binary compatibility issuesNoNo
failOnBinErrorWhether task execution should fail (break the build) on binary compatibility errorsNoYes
failOnSrcWarningWhether task execution should fail (break the build) on warnings about source code compatibility issuesNoNo
failOnSrcErrorWhether task execution should fail (break the build) on source compatibility errorsNoYes

Parameters specified as nested elements


A FileSet that describes the current version that should be checked against the compatibility baseline.

Clirr works with FileSets instead of individual jar files to allow splitting up or combining library distributions. An example is log4j, presumably the 1.3.0 release will split up the earlier log4j.jar into several jar files.


A FileSet that describes the compatibility baseline to check against.


The 3rd party ClassPath that is referenced by the checked library version (newFiles). Any class or interface that occurs as a baseclass, parameter type or method return type must be included here.


The 3rd party ClassPath that is referenced by the compatibility baseline version (origFiles). Any class or interface that occurs as a baseclass, parameter type or method return type must be included here.

Often the origClassPath is the same as the newClassPath. In these cases you can specify these paths using the refid attribute to avoid duplicating the classpath information. Please refer to the ant manual for details.


A formatter that generates Clirr output. Multiple formatters can be specified. Available attributes for each formatter element:

typeThe formatter type. Available types are plain and xmlNoplain
outfileThe file to write to. If not specified, output is written to stdoutNostdout

If no formatter is specified, Clirr will write it's findings to stdout in plain format.


A PatternSet that defines which classes form the API. By default all classes are included.

The API is often only a subset from the set of public classes in a jar file. For example, the Eclipse project has package naming conventions that signal which classes must not be used outside a module, even though they are technically public.


        <origfiles dir="build/tmp" includes="${jar.baseline}"/>
        <newfiles dir="build/lib" includes="${jar.buildresult}"/>
              <exclude name="**/internal/**"/>
              <exclude name="**/examples/**"/>
              <exclude name="**/tests/**"/>