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1   package net.sf.clirr.core.spi;
3   /***
4    * Enumeration type that represents an "accessibility" level for
5    * a java class, field or method.
6    * <p>
7    * Change of access rights from lower to higher visibility rating is a
8    * binary-compatible change. Change of access rights from higher to
9    * lower is a binary-incompatible change.
10   * <p>
11   * Public &gt; Protected &gt; Package &gt; Private
12   *
13   * @author Simon Kitching
14   */
15  public final class Scope
16  {
17      private int vis;
18      private String desc;
19      private String decl;
21      /*** Object representing private scoped objects. */
22      public static final Scope PRIVATE = new Scope(0, "private", "private");
24      /**</package-summary/html">Object representing package scoped objects/ *//package-summary.html">em>* Object representing package scoped objects. */
25      public static final Scope PACKAGE = new Scope(1, "package", "");
27      /*** Object representing protected scoped objects. */
28      public static final Scope PROTECTED = new Scope(2, "protected", "protected");
30      /*** Object representing public scoped objects. */
31      public static final Scope PUBLIC = new Scope(3, "public", "public");
33      private Scope(int vis, String desc, String decl)
34      {
35          this.vis = vis;
36          this.desc = desc;
37          this.decl = decl;
38      }
40      public boolean isMoreVisibleThan(Scope v)
41      {
42          return this.vis > v.vis;
43      }
45      public boolean isLessVisibleThan(Scope v)
46      {
47          return this.vis < v.vis;
48      }
50      public String getDesc()
51      {
52          return desc;
53      }
55      /*** the Java visibility modifier. **/
56      public String getDecl()
57      {
58          return decl;
59      }
60  }